Friday, August 23, 2013

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Frederiksberg Palace and Park

I went for a run on Wednesday afternoon, just south of where I live, and ended up finding this amazing place...

it is called Frederiksberg Palace and Park. I literally found this place on accident. The wonders of a city like Copenhagen.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Viking Market and Copenhagen Ironman

On Sunday afternoon I went to check out this "Viking" Market that I had heard about in the most historical part of Copenhagen. 

In each tent there were people dressed up and performing as if they were actual vikings. For some of the tents, I couldn't even tell if anything was for sale; most items didn't have descriptions or price tags. Trying to be as authentic as possible; really cool event. 

Love this sculpture 

After the market, I had heard about an Ironman competition going on just around the corner. It was a much bigger deal than I had expected. There were thousands of fans from all over the world rooting for the triathletes. It was definitely a sight to see, and very inspiring for me. For those of you who do not know, I competed in a triathlon last spring for UC Davis, so I am very satisfied that I had the opportunity to witness such an event. 

Just normal festivities on a Sunday afternoon in Copenhagen...

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Microbrewery: Mikkeller & Friends

On Saturday afternoon a group my friends and I went walking around my neighborhood, known as Nørrebro, checking out the area and looking at secondhand shops. We ended up finding this really cool microbrewery known as Mikkeller & Friends . They brew all of their own beer, including 35 different types on tap. You do pay the price for that novelty, but I think it is worth it every once and a while. 

As you can see the woodwork was quite unique, in a good way


Friday, August 16, 2013

Danish National Museum

On Friday afternoon my friends, Evan Perlman and Tom Knight, and I decided to go to the Danish National Museum, which is in the city center. The museum exists in the Prince's Palace, which used to house the royal family in the 18th century.

Incredible place; it was great to learn a lot more about the history of the country I currently reside in. It was actually quite overwhelming. I am astounded by the interconnection that existed between European kingdoms from hundreds of years ago.
Where the Royal family would have dinner on special occasions 

Drinking vessel of the king; no joke

Lucky for us, there was also an exhibit on Vikings. I was very attracted to this because my ancestors were Vikings, Norwegians though.  
The routes taken by the Vikings

My name written in the language of the Vikings

Monday, August 12, 2013

Strøm Music Festival

For the last few years, the Strøm Music Festival has taken place in Copenhagen in the Summer, which plays a collection of experimental electro music in different parts of the city all week. The first day of the festival, the event took place at the coolest dorms at my university, known as Tietgenkollegiet. Only pictures can really describe the display. 

There were lights placed in each room, ant different windows would light up at different parts of the song. Truly amazing! 

The next night, the event took place IN the metro; no joke. A DJ was set up in the a metro car and played for a few hours while the car went back and forth from one end to the other. Great time!

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Because going out to eat is so expensive in Denmark, I don't do it very often. But the cafeteria at the school is extremely gourmet and very cheap: socialism working at its finest ( if you didn't know, Denmark is considered one of the most socialist nations in the world socialism in Denmark: Click on it!). For example, I have free health care as a student here. And if I was a Danish citizen, my college education would be free.

Back to the food...

As you can see the food looks amazing, and it really is. All of the food is prepared freshly everyday; surprising for a college cafeteria. 

Asian-style Chicken legs, Indian-spiced rice, chicken and bell pepper salad, and a small green salad; All for $5.50
Broccoli Quiche, pepper cabbage salad, and chicken and bell pepper salad; All for $3.50
Also, a cup of coffee only costs a dollar; it's hard to beat that.                                                                                                   

The one street food that myself and most other international students that I know do buy are kebabs, or shawarmas. Its the same as what we call a "gyro" in America. But because these shawarmas can be made so cheaply here, you can find the kebab shops everywhere. They are not just popular here, but everywhere in Europe. They taste amazing by the way.
Shawarma from my balcony

Friday, August 9, 2013

Street Festivals

Because the winters can be so cold and miserable in Copenhagen, when the sun is out and the temperature is nice, the Danes are all outside enjoying it.

On Friday afternoon there were a few outdoor festivals going on in the center of Copenhagen. One for was the "Fashion Week" here .Turf was rolled out into the street for people to sit on. Everyone was hanging out and relaxing, having a great time.

Rest of my night...